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Zinc Media Group

Media Production ยท London, England
Website: www.zincmedia.com

Vivid storytelling is at the heart of what we do. We are a cross-platform media business, making content across multiple chan ... nels and sectors. We bring insight and clever strategic thought, together with compelling ideas and stories, combining these with top creative and technical skills. We offer a fully integrated service when it comes to content creation for television production, publishing and digital communications - content which aims to educate, engage and influence audiences. Zinc's award-winning portfolio of television production companies are collectively the best in class at producing entertaining and intelligent programmes for television and radio. Our six award-winning and critically acclaimed TV production labels are: Blakeway, the home of high quality specialist factual programmes focusing on History, Archaeology, Natural History, Arts and Music Blakeway North, the award-winning regional production company in Manchester, specialising in popular factual programmes for the UK market Brook Lapping, with an exceptional track record in current affairs, contemporary history and investigations Films of Record, one of the UK's longest established television companies, makes outstanding access documentaries Reef, which focuses on high-rating popular factual formats and daytime series Tern Television, a multi-award-winning popular factual company based in the nations with production centres in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Belfast. The Group also includes Zinc Communicate, a division specialising in developing cross-platform content for brands, businesses and partners including TV and online-first content, graphics and animation, web design and hosting, video production, publishing and advertising sales. read more

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