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Zero Carbon Humber

Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing · Humber

The Zero Carbon Humber (ZCH) partnership is a group of businesses committed to transforming the Humber into the world’s first ... carbon neutral industrial cluster by 2040. Collectively ZCH represents a series of low carbon and decarbonisation projects, as well as their associated inter-linking infrastructure, which will transform the Humber industrial cluster through the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Hydrogen production at scale. ZCH represents a truly transformational opportunity for the Humber that we preserve existing jobs and help stimulate the region’s economy. The project is a consortium of impressive names including Equinor; Drax; National Grid; Mitsubishi; Centrica; SSE; British Steel; ABP; and PX Group. Each partner brings unrivalled expertise in their field, as well as a wealth of international experience and decades of history within the local community to the table. The Zero Carbon Humber project connects a range of exciting innovative developments and existing energy intensive industries throughout the region via a hydrogen and carbon capture pipeline. Access to this shared infrastructure is critical to unlocking these unique opportunities. The Humber is the largest carbon emitting industrial cluster in the UK. The local economy and society has traditionally been dependent on energy intensive industries such as refining, steel making and chemicals for its jobs and skills base. Zero Carbon Humber is potentially the only method of enabling these existing industries to decarbonise their processes and lower their emissions without negative economic or social impact. Indeed, it offers to create tens of thousands of new jobs in the region, supporting skills, apprenticeships and educational opportunities. Crucially, it will build on the Humber’s reputation as the UK’s Energy Estuary, establishing it as a world-leading international net-zero flagship, attracting inward investment and future growth for future generations. read more

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