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Law Practice · Irvine, California
Website: www.zbslaw.com

ZBS Law, LLP is a full service litigation and default law firm specializing in the representation of creditors and institutio ... nal lenders throughout the Western United States. ZBS Law, LLP offers “end to end” default legal services and boasts a robust and effective litigation team that is able to handle the most complex litigated matters. Our approach to litigation is to get our clients the best result possible, in the shortest amount of time, while keeping costs low. We are able to do this because ZBS attorneys come from a variety of legal backgrounds enabling them to bring a comprehensive, professional and efficient approach to all legal matters referred to our office. Over time, ZBS Law, LLP has expanded its service lines to include business litigation, real estate transactions, and automobile repossession. ZBS Law also expanded its client base to include credit unions, mid to large size businesses, property management companies, private lenders, and automobile financing companies. Having a strong background in creditor rights has allowed ZBS Law to effectively represent creditors and lenders of all shapes and sizes, and by recruiting exemplary attorneys with diverse backgrounds we have been able to provide the same outstanding level of service to our business and corporate clients as well. The firms specific practice areas include all manner of creditor rights and general business litigation, both judicial and non-judicial foreclosure, residential mortgage bankruptcy, auto loan bankruptcy, post foreclosure and landlord tenant eviction actions, loss mitigation, title claims, real estate transactions, promissory note litigation, appellate work, and automobile repossessions. ZBS Law, LLP is based in beautiful Irvine California and has branch offices in Phoenix, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; Kirkland, Washington; and Lake Oswego, Oregon. We also provide limited representation in the states of Utah and Texas. read more

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