YOUTH DAY Global - Similar companies

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Civic & Social Organization ยท Toronto, Ontario

YOUTH DAY is a free annual Festival deemed by Media as "The Largest Festival of its Kind" and proclaimed as an Official "Even ... t of Municipal Significance for the City of Toronto". BE PART OT IT! The Event was created by Founder Tylaine Duggan in 2007, to engage young people in the Arts and help them find a passion. With some 40,000 people attending each year on the big day in July, youth have stages and a gallery to showcase their positive achievements in Music, Dance, Art, Photography, Fashion and Film - all building their self-esteem and applauding their efforts. YOUTH DAY also hosts a vibrant Market with a unique double Yonge Street closure from Dundas south to Queen Street for Corporate Brands, Food Vendors, Interesting Artisans and valuable Community Organizations to share products, services and information. YD is a non-profit Organization and operated 100% by dedicated Volunteers. Operation costs are enabled solely by sponsors and vendors who wish to connect with this demographic at this commendable event which is now hosting for its second decade in multiple Countries. For a short overview of this popular celebration please follow the link here: read more

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