陕西振力电力科技有限公司成立于1998年3月7日(前身西安振力熔断器有限责任公司),公司位于西安市东二环矿山路东段陆通工业园区F4-402,工业厂房1771.08平方米,因公司业务发展逐步壮大,于2017年搬迁至西安高新区上林苑5路2055号,并拥有 ... 自建标准厂房三座、总占面积20847.26平方米,员工总人数达80余人,其中研发人员8人、专业技术人员6人,产品设计人员6人。应 西安高新区要求,重组为西安祥源振力电气有限公司,是专业从事各类高低压户内外熔断器的研发、生产与销售的高新技术企业,生产规模和技术水平处于国内同行业的领先地位,目前在世界 各地的电网中运行的数量超过300万支,具有丰富的线路运行经验。产品覆盖电压等级3.6~40.5k V,电流等级0.2A~315A。公司主营产品属于国家重点支持与发展的新能源类风电与光伏发电互补 系统的范畴。目前主要客户为施耐德,ABB,特变电工集团,山东泰开,江苏华鹏等世界五百强企业和国内上市公司。公司产品远销美国,葡萄牙,泰国,墨西哥,巴基斯坦等国家。 XI'AN XiangYuan ZHEN-LI ELECTRIC CO., LTD., located in Xi'an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, is the subsidiary of original Shaanxi Zhenli Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd. with the low-voltage fuse as the major product and mainly engaged in the design, R & D and manufacturing of low-voltage fuse. The company has a strong technical force consisting of the R & D personnel and management personnel with many years of experiences for fuse products, and the fuse production line with high-volume production capacity to meet the orders of different customers. The company is currently producing and manufacturing various types of fuses in complete specifications, including the semiconductor equipment protective fuse; low-voltage high breaking capacity fuse; DC fuse; photovoltaic system protective fuse; new-energy electric vehicle protective fuse; American-standard and European-standard tubular fuse; fuse base, auxiliary devices and other products. Products have passed the tests conducted by national authoritative test organization in line with national standard GB13539 and international electrical standard IEC60269 and have acquired "CCC" national compulsory product certification. The products have been widely used in electric power, chemical industry, metallurgy, electrolysis, electroplating, factories and mines, communications, electric locomotives, new-energy vehicles, photovoltaic, wind power and other industries. read more
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