Wulf Cattle began more than 50 years ago as Leonard Wulf & Sons, Inc. selling Limousin and LimFlex® (Angus hybrid) seedstock. ... The operation ranks in National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Top 25 Seedstock Producers. Our knowledge and cattle feeding experience is the driver for our genetic program. In the feedlot, our primary focus is producing a premium product with both eyes on the bottom line. Feed efficiency, dressing percent and higher yields are crucial. Because of those factors, Limousin continues to be an intricate part of the genetic make-up of our cattle on feed. Our customers are part of an integrated production system producing quality beef for target markets. The Wulf Cattle Advantage serves as our overarching theme to create pull-through demand for beef. The result is a high-quality safe, healthy and sustainable beef product with opportunity for profitability at all levels of production. In 2012, Wulf Cattle partnered with Riverview LLP to continue building on the growth and opportunity in the beef segment. read more
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