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Workwell Industries

Package/Freight Delivery ยท Louisville, Ky

Workwell Industries is a non-profit organization who is committed to creating jobs for people with disabilities and others wh ... o experience barriers to employment. In 2016 the company changed its name to Workwell Industries to focus on remaining an innovative, forward-thinking fulfillment industry expert recognized worldwide. We provide packaging, assembly and fulfillment services to many large organizations in the US and worldwide. By choosing to outsource these services to Workwell, companies routinely reduce overhead & save on the cost of a project. We also have been granted a foreign trade zone through the Riverport Authority that is monitored by US Customs. Our packaging service includes promotional, consumer, and product packaging as well as construction of displays and many other services. We provide assembly and sub-assembly for manufacturing and other industries. Workwell also has a successful history of various other services. read more

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