A proud partner of the American Job Center Network. We are a nonprofit organization and provide comprehensive staffing and wo ... rkforce solutions designed to meet the needs of our employers and their workforce needs across the 15-county region we serve. One of 28 Workforce Development Boards in Texas; funded by the U.S. Dept. of Labor and passed-through the Texas Workforce Commission. The Workforce Solutions South Plains Board is comprised of South Plains Employers (51% or more) and representatives of community based organizations, educational entities (secondary, post-secondary), and labor & veterans of war. It is our goal to create employer-driven employment and training strategies to increase the work skills of South Plains workers - ensuring all training priorities are aligned with regional demand. We also oversee provisions of all employment and training services. The Board is committed to the community and building partnerships with local economic development organizations. Educational, legislative and business leaders to assist employers in remaining competitive in a global economy. Workforce Solutions South Plains is member of the Texas Workforce Solutions Network and the Texas Association of Workforce Boards. The Administration staff works with the Board of Directors, Chief Elected Officials (15-County Judges from each South Plains Region county) and the City of Lubbock Mayor to adminster approx. $13 million annual budget. Workforce Solutions South Plains is an equal opportunity employer/programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Relay Texas: 711 (voice); 800-735-2989 (TDD); or Relay Texas Spanish 800-662-4954. read more
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