Wiley Bros. - Aintree Capital LLC - Similar companies

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Wiley Bros. - Aintree Capital LLC

Financial Services ยท Nashville, TN
Website: www.wileybros.com

Wiley Bros. was founded in 1945 by David W. Wiley, Sr. and James K. Wiley to conduct a general securities business. David W. ... Wiley, Sr. had been in the securities business in Nashville since the 1920s. The Aintree Capital Division was added to provide investors more individualized service. In addition to offering clients access to a variety of investment products and services on par with a large financial services firm, Wiley Bros.- Aintree Capital LLC specializes in Tennessee utility bonds and other niche fixed income offerings. The firm is one of the largest utility municipal bond underwriters in the state of Tennessee and makes a market in select NASDAQ securities. Whether investing through an advisor or trading stocks on their own, investors receive prompt and accurate order executions through the firm's direct computer link with its clearing firm, Pershing LLC, a holder of 12 seats on the New York Stock Exchange. read more

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