WikiAudience is the only plain language, self-learning, audience count tool. High quality audience data available to business ... es of all sizes. WikiAudience solves the problem of finding the perfect target audience. Download the prospects most likely to become your clients. Business Data WikiAudience sources business data from a national database with approximately 32 million businesses from a multitude of sources, including government records, licensing boards, municipal directors, Secretary of State data, annual reports, 10ks, and other SEC filings. Consumer Data WikiAudience sources consumer data from a national database with approximately 242 million names, postal addresses, and telephone numbers with approximately 700 selects, originating from over 2,000 sources. Technology Built in Chicago, this self-learning plain language audience search engine is the first of its kind. Just enter your target audience followed by a zip code, city, state, “near me”, or “in the us”. It’s that simple! read more
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