West Virginia University Foundation - Similar companies

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West Virginia University Foundation

Fund-Raising ยท Morgantown, WV
Website: www.wvuf.org

The mission of the WVU Foundation is to enrich the lives of those touched by West Virginia University by maximizing charitabl ... e support and providing services to the University, its students and affiliated organizations. Our Vision The WVU Foundation will be a model for excellence in fundraising, investment management and stewardship. Our Core Values Relationships - We value relationships, teamwork, and community involvement as fundamental to achieving our goals and at the core of our mission. Integrity - We conduct our activities in an independent, fair, trustworthy and honest manner. Accountability - We are responsible for our actions. Courage - We support an environment where people feel safe to speak up and take bold, appropriate action with open communication. Innovation - We encourage creative, effective ideas in a collaborative environment to drive successful outcomes. Exceptional Performance - We lead by setting new standards of excellence. read more

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