Weber Ultrasonics AG - Similar companies

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Weber Ultrasonics AG

Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing · Karlsbad, Baden-Württemberg

The activities of Weber Ultrasonics AG are the development, production and marketing of solutions and components for the indu ... strial use of ultrasonic technology. Its business areas are mainly focused on cleaning, welding and cutting with ultrasonic and includes more specific applications. The company has been certified according to the DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 standard and had received multiple awards for exemplary corporate governance. The family-run medium-sized business based in Karlsbad employs 130 employees worldwide. Weber Ultrasonics AG also comprises a subsidiary in the US as well as Weber Entec GmbH & Co. KG located in Waldbronn, which specializes on ultrasonic-based systems engineering for biogas and sewage treatment plants. read more

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