Waypoint Analytical - Agricultural Services - Similar companies

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Waypoint Analytical - Agricultural Services

Farming ยท Memphis, Tennessee
Website: www.waypointanalytical.com

Waypoint Analytical (WA) is arguably the largest agricultural laboratory group and among the top 50 environmental lab groups ... in the United States. WA has established its agricultural soil labs as the most reliable and timely provider of agricultural soil test data. Using proprietary software and hardware systems, WA has achieved 98.5% on-time performance. During the fiscal years of 2004 to 2014, the company has grown 12% per year on average. This growth was due to lab acquisitions and an increase in organic growth. New Company Name Waypoint Analytical is the parent corporation of several laboratories that worked under their own brands. Many, you may already know: A&L Analytical Laboratories, Inc. (Memphis, TN) A&L Heartland Laboratories, Inc. (Atlantic, IA) A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. (Richmond, VA & Wilson, NC) Environmental Testing and Consulting, Inc. (Memphis, TN) Acculab, Inc. (Marrero, LA) Argus Analytical, Inc. (Ridgeland, MS) Soil and Plant Laboratories, Inc (Anaheim, CA & San Jose, CA) In 2015, it was determined that having a single brand identity was critical for continued success and to avoid confusing its customers. Waypoint Analytical was selected as the name because it represents a destination point. A destination point that is unique in the independent laboratory industry. It is important to note, that the new name does not reflect a change in ownership, nor does it reflect a change in services. read more

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