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Business Supplies and Equipment · Manchester
Website: www.wastequotesupermarket.com

Waste, Recycling and Sustainability solutions for all businesses - powered by AI. WasteQuoteSupermarket.com is a free, impart ... ial, online price and service comparison platform for businesses looking for cheaper and/or alternative waste management services. We help businesses to save money on their business/commercial waste, recycling, shredding, clinical, WEEE, glass, food and washroom services - providing a ‘one stop shop’ with no need to shop around, saving time and money. We provide: • All trade waste services / Commercial waste services • Paper / Cardboard recycling / Dry mixed recycling • Shredding - Onsite or offsite • Glass bottle recycling • Food waste recycling • Skips / Bulky waste • Construction / Industrial • Front / Rear end loaders • Clinical waste • Hazardous waste • Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) • Washroom services Time pressed SME's across the UK have already seen significant savings through our online switching platform - try us out! read more

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