Wasco - Part of VELUX Commercial - Similar companies

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Wasco - Part of VELUX Commercial

Building Materials ยท Wells, Maine
Website: www.wascoskylights.com

Wasco, part of the VELUX Group, offers limitless new, retrofit and replacement options for commercial daylighting projects, o ... ffering a full line of quality structural and unit skylights, continuous vault, and translucent wall systems that meet stringent design criteria. Daylighting systems are available with wide range of finish colors, custom sizes, and glazing options including fall protection, energy efficient, hurricane rated, smoke vent, photovoltaic, electrochromic, and blast resistant. Skylights are made in America in Wells, Maine and Reno, Nevada. View our Commercial & Residential Daylighting Portfolio: https://youtu.be/wHF85arBBZ4 read more

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