Warren Park Primary School - Similar companies

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Warren Park Primary School

Education Management ยท Havant, Hampshire
Website: www.warrenpark.hants.sch.uk

A primary school with a recent Outstanding Ofsted. We currently provide Netbooks for all Junior pupils for use in class. Thes ... e connect to our network via our Meru Wireless Network. To further enhance our provision we have upgraded our server and are currently running server 2008, Windows 7 clients with Office 2010. ICT support is supplied by Agile ICT. We are now one of the largest users of ICT of all Hampshire Primary schools. Recently, we were one of the news reports on the BBC Click TV program. The report concentrated on our use of netbooks within the class and Leigh Park Community UK wireless network. Our school is being used as the base station for a free community broadband project that allows the whole of the Leigh Park community to access the internet via free wireless broadband, read more

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