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Wanclouds Inc.

Information Technology and Services · Santa Clara, California
Website: www.wanclouds.net

Wanclouds is a leading multi-cloud SaaS solution and managed service provider. It helps enterprises with cloud deployments, m ... igrations, cloud management, and protecting their cloud infrastructure in time and cost-efficient ways. The company’s cloud Migration as a Service (MaaS) and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) cloud offerings reduce the financial investment and remove the technical complexities that halt or delay businesses from migrating on-premise to the cloud, moving across clouds, or setting up backup and restore protection. Its SaaS-based automation suite VPC+ provides a single pane of glass for managing and protecting multi-cloud environments through a centralized cross-cloud solution. Wanclouds is an AWS, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud partner and is headquartered in Santa Clara, CA. read more

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