Wallington Cars and Couriers Ltd - Similar companies

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Wallington Cars and Couriers Ltd

Logistics and Supply Chain ยท Sutton, Surrey
Website: www.wallingtoncars.com

Having been established for over 30 years initially for passenger car movements, it soon became apparent that many local busi ... nesses were starting to use us for parcel deliveries and wanted business accounts. We bought our first couple of vans and within a short space of time this side of the business grew at an incredible rate. We now have a fleet of over 200 vehicles and more than 1,000 account customers. We offer both UK and International courier services via our long standing suppliers, which has now been enhanced by the introduction of our online web based booking and tracking platform. Whatever your requirement, we specialise in providing the most effective and reliable solution. We are proud to have achieved ISO accreditation for 9001, 14001 and 18001 standards, which demonstrates our dedication to ensuring that we always provide the highest quality service. read more

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