WE BUILD LIVES. WE EMPOWER. WE HELP BUSINESSES. WE MEET PEOPLE WHERE THEY ARE. Wake Enterprises (WE) provides workforce devel ... opment and vocational opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We operate a 20,000 sq. ft. supervised work site in Raleigh, NC. Participants receive valuable job skills while completing contracts for local and regional employers. They earn a paycheck for the work they complete and gain work skills to take back into the community. WE is a business dedicated to providing quality subcontracting, outsourcing, and fulfillment services at a fair price. Our participants receive job training in areas such as electronic subassembly, corrugated box and insert assembly, shrink-wrapping, and more. By contracting with Wake Enterprises, companies have access to a dependable workforce that provides quality work on time and avoids wasting payroll dollars by utilizing the business services we provide. Our employment specialist works with individual participants to place them in jobs in their communities. Life is more than work, so WE do more than work. WE focus on all members of a community having a place and are responsive to the needs of the people WE serve and our changing community. Our WE CREATE Arts Program fosters creativity, artistic expression and self confidence in our participants by engaging in hands-on, interactive arts programming, including visual, music, theatre and dance. WE WITHOUT WALLS includes our Wake E Live! remote learning program and WE GO community based programming. Our remote learning and community activities focus on healthy, social, sustainable and fun activities. WE Without Walls values disability inclusion, understanding the relationship between the way people function and how they participate in society, and ensuring everyone has the same opportunities to participate in every aspect of life to the best of their abilities and desires. read more
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