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VVA Group

Management Consulting ยท Milan, Italia
Website: www.vva.it

Valdani Vicari & Associati (VVA), established in 1992, is a European consulting company based in Milan and Brussels with an i ... nternational team of professionals including economists, sociologists, political scientists, public policy experts, digital talents, specialists in marketing and market research. We deliver the highest quality standards based on our own long-standing expertise and our privileged relationships with a wide network of partners and academic institutions from across Europe and beyond. We work with private businesses and public institutions across a wide range of industry sectors. We specialize in identifying drivers and obstacles to the success of our clients and developing innovative and practical solutions through the following practice areas: - Management consulting - Digital transformation and online consulting - Quanti-qualitative market research - Expert opinions to support businesses with economic evidence in legal challenges - Public policy design and impact assessment at European, national and regional level - Economic researches and market studies - Grant, Incentives and Alternative Funds to support corporate growth plans - ESG Strategy, Circolar economy & Sustainability Our dedicated teams in each of these practice areas bring together different backgrounds and disciplines with in-depth sector expertise to build the evidence base required for our clients to address the challenges they face. read more

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