The Volunteer Police Cadets (VPC) is the uniformed youth group of the UK Police Service. 18,000 young people aged 13 - 18 giv ... e up their time each week in local VPC units across 43 Home Office police services and the British Transport Police. The VPC is part of the Youth United Foundation, an umbrella group of uniformed youth groups across the UK, making a big difference to thousands of young people in their communities, teaching valuable life skills, confidence building, team work, meeting new friends and positive citizenship. Cadets take part in a wide range of activities and social action projects, police skills and learning, adventure training, first aid, Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) awards, trips, community events, supporting operational policing events and much more. VPC units are run by dedicated adult leaders from both the police service & the wider community, under their chief officer & Police & Crime Commissioner (or elected local Mayor). Devon & Cornwall Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer has National Police Chief's Council (NPCC) portfolio lead responsibility for the VPC nationally, supported by a dedicated National VPC hub team. VPC membership is open to all young people, it's nothing to do with joining the police (though many ex-cadets later do), but is much more about being a positive part of society and having a genuine youth voice. VPCs often have a waiting list, or may only recruit at certain times of the year. Many of our young people come from disadvantaged or challenged backgrounds. Some cadets may have previously come to police notice through anti social behaviour, school Exclusion or minor offending. In the VPC, it's where you are going that counts. Each young person coming to us is treated on their merits as an individual. Success and achievement may be just a click or a phone call away. The only way to guarantee something "won't happen" or maybe "isn't for me" is to never try and just give up! Be something amazing. Be a Cadet! read more
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