Villiers High School is in the top 30 schools in the UK for progress (+1.09) at GCSE and top 1% of schools for progress at Al ... evel and vocational level 3. Villiers was judged “Outstanding” in every category in its latest Ofsted inspection in May 2019. Last year 100% of our sixth form students achieved a place on a course at a university of their choice. Our students are from very diverse backgrounds but work, play and flourish together developing respect and understanding of different cultures. We have grown in size and popularity over the past few years which is a reflection of our high standards and achievements but still remain a small “family” environment where staff know students and families really well. Our motto “for life, not school, we learn” drives what we do and is anchored by the values “Honest, Equity, Ambition, Respect and Tenacity” which we expect all students and staff to live by. read more
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