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Victoria Village Inc.

Hospital & Health Care · Barrie, Ontario

Victoria Village is a unique community located in the heart of Barrie that offers 57 Life Lease suites, 16 Senior Residential ... suites, a 128-bed Long Term Care facility, and commercial space that includes a Sports Medicine clinic, a café, a pharmacy specializing in geriatric care, law office, accounting office and various other community services. Victoria Village is located on the site of the old Royal Victoria Hospital. When it was determined that Royal Victoria Hospital had outgrown its space, the City of Barrie saw a need to redevelop the property to support the increasing senior population. In 1997, Royal Victoria Hospital moved to its current location and the deed was transferred to the City of Barrie for $1.00. In 2003, Life Lease residents began moving in and the Long-Term Care Home opened. The City of Barrie occupied the second floor of our facility as an event space, but decided to no longer use the space due to lack of use. In 2013, it was decided that this unused space would be converted into 16 Senior Residential Suites, and residents began moving in February 2018. If you are interested in joining the Victoria Village team, check out our Indeed page for our most up to date postings: read more

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