Vacuum Instruments Corporation Vacuum Instruments Corporation is one of the world’s largest companies devoted solely to the r ... esearch, design, manufacture, distribution, and service of leak detectors, gas handling equipment, and complete leak detection solutions. VIC is the only company in North America to offer both organically manufactured instruments and custom systems for tracer gas and air leak tests as well as gas management. VIC’s staff of engineers, system design personnel and applications specialists constitute the most experienced body of leak detection experts in the world. Leak Detection Solutions Vacuum Instruments Corporation offers an unparalleled breadth of applications knowledge and gas handling experience along with the fastest, simplest, and most robust leak detectors in the industry. Billions of products have been tested with VIC complete turnkey leak detection solutions, portable vacuum-type helium sniffers, general purpose helium leak detectors, as well as mass flow and pressure decay systems. Equipment Lines include: - Standard industrial Helium, Hydrogen, Argon leak detectors - Calibrated gas leaks - Hard vacuum, accumulation, sniffer systems, - Gas mixing, boosting, charging, and recovery systems. - Mass flow, pressure/vacuum decay, and patented differential pressure techniques based on its ultrafast-response thermal mass flow meter and fill process. Our standard and custom equipment can be viewed at : To submit application specifications for a custom engineering design or receive a quote for standard units, please contact: Contact Sales: 1-888-819-9970 Email: read more
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