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Information Technology and Services ยท Sydney, NSW

VetTec specialises in IT services, management and support for the veterinary industry. Offering fully integrated innovative I ... T solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of your practice. Smart, cost effective and hassle free. We have created a service that ensures your IT not only runs smoothly, but is stable, secure and adaptable to your changing needs. We offer a range of pre-configured package options tailored to meet the needs of veterinary practices or customised solutions specific to your requirements. As a business we believe in fostering community and working alongside our customers to provide them with IT services and support that not only meet the needs and scope of their practice, but also allows for growth. Partnering with leading veterinary vendors from ProVet to VetLink, ezyVet, IDEXX, Vetstoria, Vetport and more, we create a completely integrated IT support and management solution specific to your adapting business needs. Allowing you and your staff to focus your time and energy on where it is needed most. read more

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