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Vegas PBS

Broadcast Media · Las Vegas, NV

Dedicated to enriching lives in Southern Nevada, Vegas PBS uses television and other technologies to educate and empower indi ... viduals and to amplify the effectiveness of community organizations. Vegas PBS Channel 10 is one of America’s most-watched PBS stations and offers five unique secondary channels: Vegas PBS Create, Vegas PBS KIDS, Rewind, Jackpot!, and World. Vegas PBS also collaborates with strategic partners to create content that examines current and historic regional issues. Vegas PBS provides outreach programs to assist students of any age, from childhood through adulthood; professional development services for teachers; online workforce career training and education courses; educational materials for the deaf, hard of hearing, blind or vision impaired; and 24/7 online access to content via an array of devices and media. For more information visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. read more

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