VAL.FE.R. S.R.L. ELETTROMECCANICA - Similar companies

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Industrial Automation ยท Lemignano di collecchio, Pr

The VAL.FE.R. S.R.L. Electromechanics, founded in 1987, is the ideal partner for companies who are looking for collaborators ... in the field of industrial automation. VAL.FE.R. Is a dynamic and flexible reality that can count on staff of more than 100 motivated technicians and willing to share their experience with customer service. We have developed in 30 years of business, both in design and installation, skills to operate in multiple manufacturing companies, which need very different plant solutions. Among the activities that we carry out, we distinguish it particularly for the service provided in the design and implementation of electrical project and software. We have a 3600 square meter structure divided into several areas: Logistics Area Production Area 1 Production Area 2 Production Area 3 Purchasing Office Technical office Software Development Office Quality Department Customer Service and Help Desk Administration and Management Area Each subfund is equipped to carry out synergistically its activity. We operate all over the world from installation to plant startup directly at the end customer. read more

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