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Urban Painting

Construction · San Rafael, CA
Website: urbanpainting.com

Urban Painting began as a family-run business. All six Urban brothers have painted professionally for the company at one time ... or another. Over the years, we have been fortunate to grow "the family" to include incredibly talented and dedicated partners. Our management staff, including key foremen, have been with the company an average of twenty years. We employ more than 150 professional painters during peak season. Every team member –journeymen, foremen, production managers, estimators – has worked his or her way up through the ranks. We make sure they learn firsthand what it means to do things the Urban way: A relentless focus on quality workmanship, and a commitment to customer service. Today, Urban Painting is a thriving commercial outfit, with headquarters in Marin County. We serve the entire greater Bay Area, with projects from San Jose to Santa Rosa, and from San Francisco to Sacramento. We invite you to contact our previous clients to hear what we can do for you. Better yet, we’ll meet at your job site and get the ball rolling! read more

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