UR Medicine Home Care - Similar companies

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UR Medicine Home Care

Hospital & Health Care ยท Webster, New York
Website: urmhomecare.org

We provide compassionate care and services that preserve quality of life and independence. We keep people safe at home and ar ... e proud to be ranked among the top 25 percent of home care agencies in the nation by HomeCare Elite. Our two certified and two licensed home care agencies cover a service area of seven counties (Monroe, Livingston, Wayne, Ontario, Wyoming, Seneca and Yates.) We employ a staff of 800 and conduct approximately 450,000 home care visits to 16,000 patients annually. In addition, we serve 250,000 meals each year through our Meals On Wheels program in Monroe County and provide care management services for a variety of entities. Always striving to improve outcomes, we leverage cutting-edge technologies and new models of care to enhance traditional home care services and offer innovative services such as Telehealth, Care Transitions Coaching, Health Home, and Monroe County's Nurse-Family Partnership. Follow us at facebook.com/URMedicineHomeCare or twitter.com/URMedHomeCare read more

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