University of South Carolina Residence Hall Association - Similar companies

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University of South Carolina Residence Hall Association

Public Policy · Columbia, SC

RHA represents the interests of the residents at UofSC. The organization serves as both a governing body and a programming bo ... dy. Each residence hall at the University of South Carolina has a Hall Government. Three representatives from each Hall Government attend a weekly Senate Meeting on Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m. Resolutions asking for visitation plan changes, smoking issues on-campus and legal downloading have been debated in the past. Additionally, the Hall Government plans programming for their residence halls. Many programs are on safety, diversity, sustainability and wellness and these programs serve as an opportunity for residents to meet each other and enjoy their residential community at UofSC. RHA seeks to improve the on-campus living experience by advocating for their residents, providing opportunities to meet residents’ needs and representing the residents at the University of South Carolina. read more

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