Universitätsklinikum Augsburg - Similar companies

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Universitätsklinikum Augsburg

Hospital & Health Care · Augsburg, Bayern
Website: www.uk-augsburg.de

The meaning of life is life. Employees in the health care sector are more meaningful for that than any other industry. They c ... an be proud of wanting nothing else to “produce” than a better quality of life for each and every human being. Founded in 1982, University Hospital since 2019, this large hospital combines the best of both worlds. As a maximum provider with over 6,000 employees, #ukaugsburg carries a lot of responsibility for supplying the region. As a University Hospital under the sponsorship of the Free State of Bavaria, it also conducts innovative care solutions, groundbreaking research and teaching. Curious for more? At www.karriere.uk-augsburg.de you can get an idea of the Augsburg University Hospital and everything that goes with it: the people who enjoy working here and are committed to their work, the attractive, family-friendly and secure jobs, the goals we want to achieve, the beautiful city of Augsburg - and of course our job offers. Who knows, maybe that dream job is just an application away! Further information on our social media presence can be found under the following links: www.uk-augsburg.de/datenschutz www.uk-augsburg.de/impressum www.uk-augsburg.de/soziale-medien read more

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