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Information Technology and Services ยท Nashville, TN
Website: www.uniguest.com

Uniguest is an all-in-one platform that enables hotel brands to connect with guests and employees in a secure way. Our single ... content management system synchronizes content across any screen, in any space--making it easy for teams to effectively communicate with their audience regardless of where they are throughout the property. With the convenience of a single partner and platform, more than 18k properties enjoy customization, scheduling and monitoring of content across digital signage, in-room television, public computing, mobile devices and more. We provide more than 32,000 customer-facing content delivery solutions around the world, all backed by the confidence of our round-the-clock technical support organization. Our secure solutions have helped leading brands in the hospitality, retail, and financial services industries achieve higher value through reduced risk, increased revenue, and greater customer satisfaction. read more

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