UNIGLOBE Geo Travel - Similar companies

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Leisure, Travel & Tourism ยท Edmonton, Alberta
Website: www.geo.ca

UNIGLOBE Geo Travel is celebrating 26 years in business. We established our business as a start up franchise and have stayed ... focused on delivering proactive and reliable customer service since 1985, and we continue to be a multi-faceted solution for our customer travel needs. With annual sales in excess of $100 million, 10 full service locations in Canada and over 100 employees, UNIGLOBE Geo Travel has developed a wealth of travel expertise. We draw upon this collective experience for every traveler and every type of specialized travel required. UNIGLOBE Geo Travel has been recognized within the travel industry as a leader of innovative solutions, customer focused initiatives, exceptional relationships and support to our industry partners in the business communities in which we serve. We have been honoured to receive numerous accolades of recognition in the many sectors of the travel industry. From international travel suppliers & technology providers to our customers and peers, these awards reaffirm that our founding philosophies are aligned and that we have stayed true to our vision and have not compromised our core values through the many years of transition and adversity. read more

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