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UC3M - Master in Management

Higher Education · Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid
Website: www.business.uc3m.es

The Master in Management program at Carlos III is a one-year, full-time international master program designed to provide a hi ... gh-quality graduate business education. The Master of Management is taught at the University's Graduate School, located in Madrid city center's Puerta de Toledo campus. The program is aimed at recent graduates and junior professionals of diverse backgrounds who wish to acquire a realistic, practical and professional perspective of Management. Students are provided with a rigorous, multicultural learning experience focused on real, modern-day management issues while having the opportunity to get in-depth knowledge of cross-functional areas, such as corporate social responsibility or international business. We focus on developing and enhancing independent thinking and critical analysis to business and management issues. As a unique feature of this Master, students can tailor the program's curriculum according to their career plans by choosing their preferred elective courses. The Master in Management is an official master program adapted to the European Higher Education Area. The study plan consists of a single academic year, with a total workload of 60 ECTS credits, divided into two terms, plus a pre-master’s program. read more

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