TRAVEL EASY Innovation GmbH - Similar companies

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TRAVEL EASY Innovation GmbH

Financial Services · Eschborn, Hessen

TRAVEL EASY is Germany’s first comprehensive service provider for supporting Chinese consumers overseas. We create a value-ad ... ding network which connects the retail and tourism sectors as well as the tourists themselves in a synergetic manner and yields clear benefits for all participants. We provide our customers – specialized retailers and duty-free-shops – with overarching services: using AliPay as payment method, processing tax-refunds through our TAX FREE EASY system and monitoring everything by using our Customer-Relationship-Management-System teCRM. TAX FREE EASY allows Chinese travellers to enjoy a 100% VAT-refund. The VAT-amount will be refunded onto the traveller’s AliPay-Account in local currency. Hence no additional costs will arise, e.g. exchange rate costs when processing the tax-refund at an airport. TAX FREE EASY’s newest product even allows the VAT-refund in-store only seconds after the purchase. Thus, the Chinese traveller can continue shopping with the refunded amount and enjoy duty-free-shopping free of worries. Through the close cooperation with the strong partner AliPay as well as the two large Chinese tour operators UTour and CAISSA, TRAVELEASY offers comprehensive marketing measures along with both innovative and intelligent solutions, provides merchants with support in exploiting their full potential efficiently and increasing their revenue substantially and therefore creates genuine added value. Furthermore, the merchants save time and resources by using our Customer-Relationship-Management-System teCRM. We build bridges between companies and people, between cultures and systems, between visions and reality. Our business model connects, simplifies, boosts! Get to know us better and check out our websites: and read more

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