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TRANSEARCH International Deutschland

Management Consulting · Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg

TRANSEARCH International is a world leading Executive Search Company with almost 60 offices in more than 40 countries. Over 5 ... 0 consultants and associates are working in German-speaking countries for our clients. About 600 consultants and associates help their clients to build leadership teams worldwide. We advise companies across all industries on search and employment of executives, while assisting them in designing management and corporate structures matching their actual requirements. TRANSEARCH International provides professional, systematic and transparent work, helping our clients to achieve pragmatic and long-term solutions. As passionate experts in the executive search industry we build leadership teams for our clients everyday. The complicated challenge of finding senior level executives is best met with the support of a firm with a proven track record of success. The tools that TRANSEARCH International uses provide a unique perspective regarding culture, performance, leadership, and team “fit”. And our integration methodology ensures that new leaders are integrated quickly and successfully without breaking stride. read more

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