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Financial Services · Mönchengladbach

Using innovative financing techniques, Tradewind provides tailored working capital solutions for small and medium-sized enter ... prises worldwide, empowering them to grow their businesses through international trade. Headquartered in Germany, we combine global scale with local expertise through 20 offices in 14 countries across 4 continents. Over the past 20 years, we have been providing liquidity for companies across all continents with our customized cash flow solutions. We also work in partnership with other lenders, enabling clients to meet all of their financial needs. Contact us to learn about our referral program. Our international trade finance services include Export Factoring and Supply Chain Finance. Export Factoring: - Accelerated cash flow and ability to offer longer payment terms - Emphasis on eliminating trade risk with credit protection - Collections, buyer credit reviews, and reporting Supply Chain Finance: - Finance your full supply chain - Import, inventory and vendor financing - Risk mitigation read more

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