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Information Technology and Services ยท Berlin, Berlin

ToolTime is the digital home for craftsmen businesses. Our goal is to free craftsmen from cumbersome paperwork and last-centu ... ry software. Our purpose is to make their lives easier and more effective. We offer a clear tool that covers all work steps in craft businesses, from customer enquiries to invoicing and everything can be carried out quickly and easily. Our team is based in Berlin and builds a solution that combines the advantages of modern software with a deep understanding of the craft business. We are supported by renowned investors from the industry who have accompanied us from the very beginning. At the moment we are around 50 people from very different backgrounds and nationalities. Our company language is English. Our team values give a good idea of the the ToolTime spirit. Best Together! Stands for team work. It means "Disagree and Commit", "Be humble" and "Ask for help". Stay Curious! Stands for curiosity. It means "Find out the why", "Give room for mistakes", "Challenge the status quo" and "Say 'I don't know'". Spark positivity! Stands for positive attitude. It means "Always assume good intentions", "Inspire your colleagues", "2% grumpy", "P&T" Join us to be part of this amazing journey! read more

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