Tofasco of America Inc. - Similar companies

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Tofasco of America Inc.

Manufacturing · La Verne, California

From humble beginnings out of a small office at California in 1994, Tofasco has grown into an industry leader and has set the ... bar for excellence in quality, innovation, project management, diversity and operations. This has resulted in very successful projects throughout North America Tofasco’s proven solutions have turned challenges into tangible business and solid profit opportunities. Moving beyond consumer goods, Tofasco continues to explorer a range of market opportunities. Some of the latest include, but are not limited to, wearable devices, home automation, green technologies, portable energy, and mobile technologies. In the process partnerships with strategic investors have been forged providing the resources to maximize returns. In addition to capital, Tofasco provides a full range of resources and services to minimize risk as opportunities are given the chance to grow and blossom. This removes constraints that usually limit and hinder potential. The focus becomes to rapidly bring products to market. Some of the resources and services include, office space and the accompanying administrative services, development and technology, product and graphic design, marketing, financial advice, human resources, competitive research, legal, accounting and business development support and services. In addition, Tofasco provides advice on strategy, branding and corporate structure. read more

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