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Oil & Energy ยท Stavanger, Rogaland
Website: www.tiosgroup.com

As of July 29th 2021 TIOS is fully owned by TechnipFMC. TIOS offers a complete range of vessel based Light Well Intervention ... (LWI) services to the global market. Established in 2005, TIOS has a track record of servicing more than 765 subsea wells and performing more than 4,800 runs in hole. Our services include: Riserless wireline based intervention (RLWI), Riserless coiled tubing (RLCT), Plug and abandonment (P&A), Pilot hole / top hole drilling and Downhole technology. To efficiently plan and execute operations, TIOS has onshore resources including project management, engineering department, HSE/QA & risk management and Offshore Operational management. Our goal is to increase production and prolong the lifecycle of the well, offering our clients increased efficiency and significantly reduced costs. Our drive is to provide innovative solutions with minimum environmental impact by improving existing services and implementing new methods. read more

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