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Thomas Ford

Automotive ยท Beverly, MA

For more than 40 years, Thomas Ford has served the North Shore communities of Beverly, Salem, Peabody, Danvers and Gloucester ... with Ford sales, service and parts. Steven Leary, a North Shore native, joined the Thomas Ford team 20 years ago as a sales manager and bought the dealership in 2001. Under his leadership, Thomas Ford has become a Massachusetts Ford dealer known for its high standards of customer service. As your neighbor and part of your community, Thomas Ford has shared in the challenges and triumphs of the communities we serve. We are proud to provide Ford sales, service and parts to the North Shore of Massachusetts and to offer complete customer service to local residents. Stop by our convenient location at 211 Rantoul Street in Beverly to learn about new Ford cars or to get Ford service and parts for any model. We are always happy to meet a neighbor and share our love of Ford vehicles. read more

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