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The Tree Center

Consumer Goods ยท Davidsonville, Maryland

Choose from hundreds of varieties of trees and shrubs not available at your local nursery - all from the comfort of your couc ... h. Skip the trip and plan your landscape like it's 2020! We ship crazy fast. So sit back, relax, have a cocktail and wait for your landscape to arrive via FedEx Ground. Almost everything about this can be done in your pajamas. We do everything but plant the tree for you (but we've got our elves working on that). With decades of combined knowledge, we provide you with the resources for your landscape to thrive! A tree, in a box? Yep! Over the past 5 years, we've perfected our box technology so that your trees and shrubs arrive to you safely and in perfect health. If there was a Tree-Packing Olympics, we'd probably be gold medal winners. read more

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