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The John Graham Centre

Consumer Services ยท Canterbury, Kent

The John Graham Centre is a day care centre for adults with Learning Disabilities based on a farm in Blean, near Canterbury, ... Kent. We commenced the centre in response to a need in our area to offer new experiences in a healthy outdoor environment. Our aim is that our students will learn and achieve in a stimulating, interesting and happy Centre. We intend that our students will be given the best that we can do. They will have a variety of learning areas, these will be ongoing so that everything is continually reinforced for them. They have as much choice and discussion as possible in the areas they like to work so enabling them to be happy, enjoy what they are doing and learning whilst at the same time have fun and laughter. We also aim that each of our students will develop to his/her maximum potential in their growth of knowledge and development of independent living skills. read more

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