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The Global Nutrition Report

International Trade and Development · London

The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) is the world’s leading independent assessment of the state of global nutrition. A multi-sta ... keholder initiative comprised of global institutions, the GNR is led by experts in the field of nutrition. We provide the best available data, in-depth analysis and expert opinion rooted in evidence to drive action on nutrition where it is urgently needed. Through a comprehensive report, interactive Country Nutrition Profiles and Nutrition for Growth Commitment Tracker, the GNR sheds light on the state of nutrition and on working solutions to tackle poor diets and malnutrition around the world. In 2021 – the Year of Action on Nutrition, the GNR team is working hard behind the scenes to develop additional tools and resources needed to help shape better commitments for nutrition and strengthen accountability across sectors and geographies. The need for more equitable, resilient and sustainable food and health systems has never been more urgent. Only by joining forces can we make tackling poor diets and malnutrition in all its forms a winnable fight. Visit to learn more. read more

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