The Gearheads of Grosse Pointe (FRC1189) - Similar companies

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The Gearheads of Grosse Pointe (FRC1189)

Education Management ยท GROSSE POINTE WOODS, Michigan

The Gearheads, Team 1189, are the official FIRST Robotics team representing the Grosse Pointe Public School System High Schoo ... ls. The Gearheads have been a part of FIRST Robotics since 2003. The team has over 40 students and about 10 mentors. The students are gathered from both Grosse Pointe North and Grosse Pointe South high school. We are one team, divided into six sections: Design, Build, Fabrication, Controls, Media, and Safety. Each section has its own student leader and at least one parent mentor. We meet at Grosse Pointe North, in the Machine Shop, every Thursday from 6 - 9 pm. read more

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