The Federation of Private Residents Associations Ltd. - Similar companies

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The Federation of Private Residents Associations Ltd.

Legal Services ยท Epping

The FPRA is a non-political, not-for-profit advice, support and lobbying organisation for our members who include private res ... idential leaseholders, tenants' and residents' associations and residential management companies as well as those companies where the leaseholders together own the freehold of their own residential block. A Non Profit Company limited by guarantee. Registered number 1992130 FPRA only advises member associations - we cannot and do not act for them. Opinions and statements offered orally and in writing are given free of charge and in good faith and as such are offered without legal responsibility on the part either of he maker or of FPRA Ltd. For further information:- Telephone Number; 0371 200 3324 (normal national rates apply) Office E-mail. Direct email. read more

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