The CDA Group Limited - Similar companies

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The CDA Group Limited

Consumer Goods · Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

CDA are a UK appliance company that offer high quality kitchen appliances built with your lifestyle in mind. Based in Notting ... hamshire, CDA strives to bring practical and stylish appliances into your kitchen and your lives. With over 20 years experience, we are always researching and developing multiple ideas and possibilities. From new ways to save energy and respect the environment to improving efficiency, we strive to ensure our products are always at the forefront of innovation. In December 2015, CDA became part of the Amica Group. Amica are a kitchen appliance manufacturer based in Poland. Amica operate in 50 countries worldwide and have over 70 years’ experience in the industry. We share the same vision of providing the best products possible, as well as our values of good environmental practice. Together we will be able to provide even more for our customer network, and achieve higher goals with our partners at Amica. read more

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