The Arc Tampa Bay Inc. - Similar companies

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The Arc Tampa Bay Inc.

Individual & Family Services ยท Clearwater, FL

The Arc Tampa Bay has been providing services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1958. The ... mission of The Arc Tampa Bay is to support and empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Recognized on a state and national level, The Arc Tampa Bay strives to meet the needs of the community and its stakeholders by offering a full range of services, from employment services and residential placement to applied behavior analysis and therapeutic day program services. Our focus is ensuring that individual goals are achieved by offering supportive assistance. The Arc Tampa Bay is headquartered in Clearwater, FL, with 3 day program sites, 18 group homes and 1 apartment complex located throughout northern Pinellas County. Over 250 individuals receive services on a daily basis from The Arc Tampa Bay. Primary funding referral sources for individuals in need of services are the Agency for Persons with Disabilities and the Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. read more

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