Texas Vortex Storm Chase Team - Similar companies

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Texas Vortex Storm Chase Team

Media Production ยท KERRVILLE, TEXAS
Website: texasvortex.org

Hello and welcome to Texas Vortex Storm Chase Team my name is Tommie Carter Jr. and I am the President/Founder. I started thi ... s page because of the work, science, and photography we have done in the past 15 years. Six years ago we formed our team we keep growing every year we are the largest research/chase team in Texas and branch out to Oklahoma, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida along with chasers in 8 other countries representing TVSCT International. We have universities that have teamed up with us to help with research of extreme weather. We have also have several Chief Meteorologists as well that have 30 years+ in the industry. We post 24/7 trusted storm warnings and watches from hurricanes, tornadoes, hail and severe weather all over North America and across the world. With our photography and live feed videos during our chases will keep you notified and keep you aware and safe during the extreme weather events. As we grow and build several chase/research trucks we will be able to provide an on the ground zero coverage of what is going on live and be one of the most trusted broadcast teams around with new and improved equipment for research. Thank You for being a part of TVSCT hope to hear from all of you thanks. read more

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