Texas State University Student Health Center - Similar companies

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Texas State University Student Health Center

Hospital & Health Care ยท San Marcos, Texas
Website: www.healthcenter.txstate.edu

The Texas State Student Health Center provides primary, urgent, sexual, reproductive and psychiatric healthcare services to u ... niversity students. We have experienced healthcare providers, including physicians and nurse practitioners. All services are offered by appointment. Medical, laboratory, digital radiography and pharmacy services are available on-site. The Student Health Center is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. (AAAHC). The Student Health Center offers affordable prices for college students and health insurance coverage is not required to receive care. The Student Health Center does offer a university-endorsed student health insurance plan for students without insurance or those seeking more affordable coverage. The Student Health Center also has a Health Promotion Services department that strives to help students succeed by promoting healthy lifestyles and creating a healthy campus environment at Texas State. read more

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